About The Ben Nevis Climb One of the most iconic mountains in Scotland, Ben Nevis is the highest mountain in the UK. It attracts thousands of visitors every year, both from home and abroad. Q&A with Stephanie We asked Stephanie, our Business Development Manager, a few questions about the climb that she will be doing
Staff Highlights
Celebrating 4 Years with Athena Healthcare Group
This year marks Emily Caley’s 4 year anniversary with Athena Healthcare Group! It’s been an incredible journey, and we’re so grateful for all of Emily’s hard work over the past few years.
Julianne’s Ultra Challenge!
About the Manchester to Liverpool Ultra Marathon The Manchester to Liverpool Ultra is a 50-mile road race following the Trans-Pennine Trail, the Manchester Ship Canel and the River Mersey from Manchester to Liverpool. Questions for Julianne We asked Julianne (who works at Birkdale Tower Lodge), a few questions about her Ultra Marathon from Liverpool to Manchester.