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4 Tips for Establishing a Routine For Dementia Residents 


At Athena Health Care Group we understand the importance of creating a routine for our residents living with dementia. Research has shown that structure and familiar activities help to reduce stress, anxiety, and confusion. We strive to create a home-like atmosphere that is comfortable and familiar for our residents, which is why we focus on providing daily activities that give structure and purpose to their days. Here are a few ways in which routine can benefit people with dementia:

Keep it Simple

A routine should be simple and easy to follow. Stick to basic activities such as waking up, bathing, eating, and going to bed at the same time each day.

Be Flexible

While a routine is important, it is also important to be flexible. As, people with dementia may have good and bad days, and their routines may need to be adjusted accordingly.

Be Inclusive

Ask them about their preferences and interests and try to incorporate them into the routine.

Use Reminders

Use reminders such as alarms or notes to help patients remember their daily activities.


Establishing a routine is an important part of caring for people with dementia. It can help reduce anxiety and agitation, improve sleep, provide a sense of control, and enhance cognitive function. Our staff is always available to provide the support and guidance needed to ensure our residents feel safe and comfortable. We believe that routine and familiar activities are essential to providing the highest quality of care for our residents living with dementia.

If you or a loved one is living with dementia, we’re here to help. Contact us today to learn more about our specialised care services.

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